Meet Our Products
SPLinx is a company specialising in the manufacture and distribution of special inks and varnishes. Materials which use physicochemical phenomena, resulting in emerging of surprising, interesting and useful visual and other sensory effects, meet with growing interest of our consumers.
SPLinx has been established as the answer to this continuously growing demand of the market. Since the beginning of our operation, our focus has been on innovation of our products and independence of our manufacture and that is why our Research and Development department has been one of the foundations of our presence on the market ever since our first days. Comprehensively equipped, modern laboratory complements our company’s development department.
Thanks to these aforementioned assets, preparation of formulations and the production of inks with special properties for printing, construction and industries – which undoubtely are three crucial sectors of inks’ market – are hardly any mystery for us.
Many years of hard and diligent development work of our company have made our special inks and varnishes noticed by the market and acknowledged by our customers. We are still working on their modernisation and improvement. Our customers take part in this process to a large extent, pointing out which features and properties, expected by them, we should pay special attention to during the production of special inks.

The most comprehensive offer of special inks in Poland
We can proudly say that SPLinx provides probably the biggest variety of special inks and varnishes in Poland. For many years we have been producing and distributing products with sophisticated special effects used in printing, construction and industries.
The portfolio of our products includes metallic and fluorescent inks with many different properties tailored to our customers’ needs, chromatic inks reacting with a change of colour to physical stimuli including temperature change, luminescent inks which emit colors under the UV or IR radiation as well as glow-in-the-dark inks, scented varnishes, magnetic and conductive inks, scratch-off inks, pearlescent inks, interference and optically variable inks, structural inks and many, many more.
Although special inks and varnishes are a relatively niche area of a global inks’ market, we tried to fill our portfolio with the widest range of offered and available products. In the assortment of inks and varnishes offered by us, there can be found almost all such products available on the market.
In order to improve the orientation in this complicated matter of special inks and varnishes content-wise and semantics-wise, as well as for the convenience of our customers and ourselves, we have divided our offer into three main groups: special inks and varnishes for printing, for construction and for industries. There is also an additional division, made up by subcategories organised by the mode of action, a type of special effect or the activating factor.
We help our customers select the right type of special inks and varnishes
Special inks and varnishes offered by us are dedicated to various purposes and applications. The wide variety of our products allows to select the right ink or varnish to highly specific needs, even if the requirements are very unusual.
Being aware that the variety and complexity of our offer may sometimes make it difficult to surely specify which product would be the best to a given project, in order to enable the right choice, we offer professional knowledge and technical advice along with the product itself.
This is especially aimed at those who may not have the sufficient knowledge in the field of special inks and varnishes. We try to carefully and properly select the ink or varnish from the wide range of our products in order to meet the requirements of our customers to the fullest extent.
To do this, we take into consideration criteria such as a type of application: printing, construction, industries; preferred technology: oil-based, water-based, solvent-based inks and varnishes, UV-cured inks, polyurethane-based inks etc., a kind of substrate the product will be applied to, resistance, longevity, elasticity, gloss, intensity, effect, end use and other specific requirements.

We provide Technical Data Sheets, Safety Data Sheets and training materials
In our work, we use our own knowledge and experience, specialised equipment and technical assistance at a highest level. In order to expand then knowledge of our customers on special inks and varnishes, and to help them use our products the right way, we are happy to share our knowledge and skills.
On our website, our customers and partners can find information and training materials from our seminars and presentations at fairs, articles which we published in trade press, as well as our blog where we explain some technical issues. These materials can be downloaded from our Support section.
After logging in to our Customer’s Area, available to download are also our technical data sheets where, besides the description of properties of a chosen product, we share tips on methods of application, use, types of substrates, auxiliary products, as well as information on storage conditions and shelf life and health and safety measures. There is also a brief description of a special effect of an ink or varnish.
We provide a material safety data sheet to each ink and varnish we produce. These data sheets are also available in our Customer’s Area after registration and logging in.