Quality Control

Quality Control is one of the most important processes in the enterprise. Since the very beginning of SPLinx’ operation we pay unusual attention to it. We make sure that each product leaving our company is checked in terms of its required properties – especially colour and its repeatability.

Before each shipment, an ink or varnish is being applied to a dedicated substrate bu using proofers in an appriopriate application and printing technology.
Besides checking standard rheological parameters, we especially check its match to a colour standard (Pantone, HKS< RAL etc.), to our Customer’s template or to the previously manufactured batch of the same product (repeatability).

In 2018 we have established an independent Quality Control Department which deals with broadly understood testing and analysis of outgoing products, archiving formulations and samples of individual product batches.
It also engages in dialogue and feedback in communication with our Customers and other departments of the company.
In addition to checking the outgoing products on a daily basis, our Quality Control Department also supports Research and Development Department.