Phosphorescent paints for construction

Phosphorescent paints
Phosphorescent (glow-in-the-dark) paints are are paints which glow in the dark with their own light after exposure („charging”) to day, artificial or UV light.

How does a phosphorescent coating work?
The time of the glowing effect lasts from a few to several dozen hours. Glow-in-the-dark paints enable the designer to build a sort of tension and a dialogue between the spectator and a space.
Elements of architecture change under natural cycles of day and night. The paints remain almost completely transparent in the daylight and in the night conditions or during the blackout they begin glowing with their own light in green, yellow, blue, red, orange or purple.
Phosphorescent paints for construction
A building facade which charges with light during the day and glows after dark; a ceiling shining in the night like a star-studded sky; elements of pavement „illuminating” the way for pedestrians, glow-in-the-dark ornaments, elements of decorations or costumes.

Where else is a phosphorescent coating used?
With the help of phosphorescent paints, a creator can light up their nighttime surroundings both indoors and outdoors.
These paints are also used for applying on warning or information signs as well as communication paths visible at night.
High quality phosphorescent paints at SPLinx
Our company has extensive experience and a wide knowledge in the field of production of phosphorescent paints. We put emphasis on using innovative solutions and this is why we constantly learn and look for new methods of production our Customers could use.

We are willing to share our knowledge with our Customers, therefore we prepare appriopriate documents (Material Safety Data Sheets, Technical Data Sheets, certificates) which explain the properties of our products as well as confirm their high quality.
Apart from production of phosphorescent coatings, our company also produces thermochromic and fluorescent paints, among others.
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