LUMIpaint – paints glowing after excitation
Luminescent paints
Luminescent paints are paints which emit glow and colour after excitation by various factors which cause this effect.
We offer paints excited by UV light (invisible fluo), glow-in-the-dark (phosphorescent) and glowing after plugging their surface into direct current (electroluminescent paints).
Luminescent wall paints
This type of paints is mainly used for decorations and marking specific areas or utility elements on the walls of public buildings, sport and entertainment venues, production facilities, warehouses, clubs, discos, etc.
Used e.g. for improving safety at buildings, for marking and creating symbols on walls, e.g. of emergency exits and routes as well as fire doors and lanes, which, for safety reasons, always must be clearly visible.
They can also be used for artistic, decorative, exhibition purposes as swell as for creating interesting and attractive interior designs.

How can a luminescent paint be used?
There are special pigments in formulation of luminescent paints, which are able to emit colourful glow under the influence of various excitation factors.
Phosphorescent inks, after absorption of the light from the surroundings, glow in the dark, invisible fluo ones glow after absorption of UV light, and electroluminescent ones – under the influence of electricity.
These paints can excellently work when used on wooden, metal, glass, plaster, and even brick surfaces. They can also be used for painting on paper or canvas. They are applied by a brush, spray gun, or roller.
Effect of a luminescent paint on a white wall
Luminescent paints come in a variety of colours. The luminescence effect, in case of phosphorescent paints, can last from several minutes up to even several hours, depending on the length of irradiation time and the number of applied coats.
In order to enhance the effect, we recommend applying a paint on a white base coat. Invisible fluo paints, similarly to electroluminescent ones, glow only during the excitation factor (the UV light, in case of the invisible fluo paints, and the electricity, in case of the electroluminescent paints) being in action).

Types of luminescent paints
Our company offers 3 types of luminescent paints: phosphorescent paints, invisible fluo (glowing under UV) and electroluminescent ones. Please click on the appropriate picture to get to know detailed characteristics of each type.