Vision and Mission

At SPLinx, we want to be the first choice among the ink manufacturers for Customers looking for unusual, innovative inks and varnishes with special effects for printing, construction and industries in Central and Eastern Europe.
We create products innovative and interesting enough that others are even afraid to ‘pick up the gauntlet’. We receive the majority of inquiries for special inks and varnishes from the market.
We are a natural first choice in terms of assistance in special and effect inks and varnishes.
We have probably the most comprehensive offer of special products in this part of Europe.

Our most important object of interest is our Customer.. All our activities are pro-customer and their goal is the fullest final satisfaction of our Customer with our product or service.
Our most important asset are our Employees. They create value and competence of our company.
Our priority is to maintain the best price-to-quality ratio.
Relatively low cost of running our business compared to costs generated by our competitors – who are, most often, companies manufacturing their products outside of our country – allow for lower prices while maintaining the highest quality.

We build solutions which allow to create innovations, which translate into creating potential and values.
These, on the other hand, we turn into strategy and directions of our development.
Thanks to the specific creation of the free, often undeveloped market space in many areas of the market, we can – to paraphrase W. Chan Kim i Renée Mauborgne – freely sail on the pristine waters of a blue ocean.
When a company’s strategy is formed reactively as it tries to keep up with the competition, it loses its uniqueness. – W. Chan Kim, Blue ocean strategy